7 Easy Plumbing Tips To Winterize Your Home
If you live in an area where the temperatures often dip below freezing, you’ll want to winterize your home. In addition to freezing water, continuous hours of exposure to freezing air can also freeze your plumbing. With just a few winterization tips from Clog Pro,...
Plumbing Problems When It Rains
It’s now October which means rainy season is upon us. And when it rains here in the Pacific Northwest, it really rains! While rain is good for our plants and soil, downpours and continual rainfall can lead to some serious plumbing problems, so let’s get right into...
When To Replace Your Toilet
Your toilet is one of the most-sed plumbing fixtures in your home. Like other appliances, your toilet will eventually reach the end of its life and will need to be replaced–hopefully before a disaster occurs. Not sure if it’s time to replace yours? Follow Clog Pro’s...