We’re no stranger to rain here in the Pacific Northwest. Though rain can bring much-needed water to our beautiful environment, it can also lead to flooding, soil erosion, and other problems if not properly managed. To avoid these issues, it’s crucial to maintain your drainage system – particularly your underground downspout. Unfortunately, clogs can occur in any type of drain, causing water to back up and potentially damage your property. In this blog, we’ll discuss the signs that your underground downspout is clogged so you can take action before any serious damage is done.

What Is An Underground Downspout?

An underground downspout is a type of outdoor drain that connects to your gutters and diverts water away from your home. These drains are usually placed beneath your lawn and redirect the water either to a nearby road, sidewalk, or underground sewer line. Especially in our rainy local climate, gutter downspout drainage is an excellent way to protect your home from flooding and water damage.

How To Tell If Your Underground Downspout Is Clogged

A clogged gutter drain pipe can cause widespread damage to your home or landscape. It’s important to keep an eye on the condition of your outdoor drainage system to ensure it is always flowing smoothly. If you notice any of these signs, you may have a clogged underground downspout:

Your Gutters Are Overflowing 

If your downspout is clogged, one of the first things you may notice is that your gutters will begin filling with water. Once they’re completely filled, water will leak from every gutter seam and pour over the tops of the gutter. This excessive water flow can create soil erosion right beneath the gutters.

No Water Is Exiting The Downspout

Most underground downspouts drain onto the street, sidewalk or driveway. Some are also connected directly to the sewer system. Inspect your underground downspout during a time when it’s raining to make sure that water is flowing properly. If little to no water is exiting the downspout, there’s a good chance that it’s clogged.

There’s Water Damage In The Basement

One of the most common causes of water damage in the basement or crawl space is from drainage systems. This includes clogged downspouts and improperly placed downspouts. If water is draining too close to your foundation, you should check if the downspout is clogged or just empties out in a bad location.

Water Is Leaking From The Seams

If there is a heavy storm and you see water spewing out from the seams and joints of your downspout or gutters, there’s probably a blockage somewhere in the drain pipe. 

What To Do If Your Downspout Is Clogged

If you suspect that your underground downspout is clogged, it’s important to take action as soon as possible to prevent any further damage to your property. While there are some DIY methods you can try to clear the clog yourself, it’s often best to leave the job to the professionals. Hiring a downspout cleaning service can ensure that the clog is fully removed and that your downspout is working properly again. 

Notice signs of a clogged gutter drainpipe? Want routine downspout drain cleaning to prevent a backup from forming in the first place? Don’t hesitate to call the experts at Clog Pro! We’ve been your local source for fast and reliable plumbing services for over 27 years, and our team knows how to deliver long-lasting results. Just give us a call today to schedule your service!